Tuesday, February 22, 2011

New baby.

Who is Aunt Juanita holding in this picture?


sis said...

The baby in the picture is Pam, my brother's first child. Pam and I are good friends. I mentioned to her one time, that I held her, and she said you just got old on me. Ha.

Carolea said...

Have you let Pam know about the blog. I don't think I've ever even heard of her which is weird. Where does she live?

sis said...

Got to make a correction. The baby in the picture is Linda, 5 weeks old, 1955. I have this picture. Maybe it is one you mailed me. I did not even know my own daughter. Ha Pam lives in Glendale MO. Glendale is next to Kirkwood. I will let her know about the blog. I think she would enjoy it. You would love her as I do.