Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uncle Al in the kitchen

This is one of the ways I remember Uncle Al. Either sitting at this little table or standing there making a sandwich. What memories.


sis said...

This is another picture I just love. Dad had to have his ice cream at night. It had to be hand packed ice cream, so we were always going to the ice cream store. The kitchen is were so memories were made. Mother was a excellent cook, so she spend so much of her time in this room. Dad would sit in his chair, and drink his coffee and look out the window to the woods in the back.

Carolea said...

I had forgotten how much he loved ice cream. What memories.

sis said...

I found my picture, and on the back Mother wrote, had left Sis's house, and Dad wanted ice cream, so they had stopped at ice cream shop to get some on the way home.