Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Uncle Al taking a snooze.


sis said...

This picture is taken at our first house in Ellisville. My taste in furniture sure changed over the years. Dad liked to nap.

Carolea said...

Don't all our men love to nap? I don't ever remember going to that house. When did you move to Kirkwood?

sis said...

This is Al and mine first house in Ellisville. We could not afford Kirkwood. Mom and Dad came to visit us a lot. Loved it when they came and visit. Our girls were young and this is the house they grew up in with their friends.

sis said...

On the back of the picture that I have, we were waiting for Santa. We would have my parents and Al parents on Christmas Eve. Al's parent were Catholic and they could not eat until after midnight. I would have ham, so we waited for Santa, and then we would eat after midnight.